Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Venue Finalized

Venue: Kittu's Home
Date: 12/31/2011
Party Time: 7:00 PM

Surprise gifting

Everyone in the group has to chose one, just one CODE from the available codes. And that CODE has to emailed to the, he will decode the name of person. He will make sure that the Gifter and Giftee are not the same.

Gifter: who gives the gift
Giftee: who receives the gift
My invention, excuse me for the english ;)

1) Strictly, do not disclose the name of the person to anyone, not even to your spouse.
2) Gift- maximum cost should be $50.00
3) Wrapped in plane white paper.  As blues, reds, greens will have many shades,whites doesn't have any.
4) The purpose of the above rules is for surprise. The gift, gifter() giftee () should be a absolute surprise.
5) Do not start enquiring about the likes and dislikes of the giftee, it will be obvious. We will miss the fun
6) For fun you can start enquiring the wrong person.. (gamble and poker practice)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ideas and thoughts


Donot hesitate to throw your ideas if you have any..